
deceptive competitive strategy

Business Strategies

“Deceptive Competitive Strategy” New Business Strategy Discovery By Daniel D. Nejo

I came up with the term “Deceptive Competitive Strategy”, a quick google of the term will bring no valuable result around the topic because like I said – Its a word i coined by myself and its still very new. I have actually had this concept in my head for a very long time. lets say about 7 months and have wanted to write about it but the time wasn’t right, is the time ever right? This is the “Deceptive Competitive Strategy” concept in a nutshell – A business (preferably small to medium sized enterprise) creates two (2) businesses that does the exact same thing, sells the same product and offers the same services but with different names and websites.

Wait, hang on… let me explain. Am sure you are thinking and wondering to yourself like “How do you create two businesses that offers the same thing?” doesn’t make any sense and its a waste of time, resources and even money. Stay with me, I am going somewhere. (more…)

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